Kaleidoscope eyes
Kaleidoscope eyes

kaleidoscope eyes

Ensign Sue Must Die: It's a Star Trek Parody Sue comic, and the title character has eyes that change color in every strip along with her hair highlights and beauty mark, but In-Universe happens at random times.Bloody Urban: Cherry, one of the Renfields has eyes that can be blue, brown, one of each, or both at the same time at any given point.The Witches: Among other Red Right Hand features, the titular malevolent Mage Species has colour-changing pupils where a very careful viewer can see fire and ice dancing in the centre.It overlaps with Living Mood Ring-type Eye Colour Change as physical distress and some strong emotional states can provoke specific reactions. City of Bones by Martha Wells: The Krismen, a Bio Augmented human offshoot, have eyes that continually shift through a range of colours.Iriana's eyes normally go through a literal kaleidoscope of color, but change to a set hue to represent emotions, and it's the only way she expresses herself unless her feelings are really strong. Illivais X: Has this and Living Mood Ring-type Eye Colour Change.Codex Alera: Alera, a Physical God has eyes that cycle through just about every color imaginable.series, has eyes that have changed color practically every time Garrett looks at her. Furious Tide of Light, a sorceress from the Garrett, P.I.It's notable that King, the hero, finds this to be extremely creepy, and not at all alluring. which can also turn brown, or green, or hazel, or yellow, or reflective, or glow. Yasmini, the Femme Fatale of Talbot Mundy's King Of The Khyber Rifles has lovely blue eyes.Her daughter Piper is described as heaving these sort of eyes.

kaleidoscope eyes

  • The Camp Half-Blood Series: Applies to Aphrodite due to her constant shifting to multiple people the viewer finds attractive.
  • Sabbath's eyes can be brown, green, or black. To be fair, grey and blue are a lot alike.
  • Also, Fitz's eyes are almost always grey, but are inexplicably described as blue shortly after he's introduced.
  • As he strode towards her, they glittered, seeming to change colour from moment to moment - first an honest brown of earth and nature, then a peaceful green of inner strength and eternal hope, then finally a piercing electric blue. Howard's Conan the Barbarian story " The Gods Of The North", the woman (who is obviously magical) also has eyes that change.
  • Wynne in Beansidhe's Wail is said to have eyes that change from "pale grey, to sky blue, to sea green, to violet to silver.".
  • In the Stephen King novel, Needful Things, Leland Gaunt's eye colour changes depending on who sees him.
  • In the story it is unnerving to other characters and is treated more as a Glamour Failure. She is, in fact, a very old shapeshifter and her eyes can't remember what color they are supposed to be.

    kaleidoscope eyes


    Charlie Bone in the Children of the Red King series has a "cousin" who can do this.Door of Neverwhere has "fire-opal" eyes of ever-changing/unclassifiable colour.New Jedi Order, from the Star Wars Expanded Universe: Yuuzhan Vong Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane has these, due to mqaaq'it implants.In the Jason Bourne series, the titular character has eyes that mildly change color depending on the clothes he wears.Considered a stigma because, "Once you're touched by the Chaosfire, you're considered capable of anything." In A Hero Born and A Hero Reborn, this is a mark of a ChaosRider, called Chaosfire.Airosian eyes in The Peace Keeper Force are limited to shades of blue, but they do shift from almost-white blue to almost-black blue, sometimes in the span of a single panel, and with all the shades in between.

    Kaleidoscope eyes