They're also terrific display pieces and are a fantastic way to decorate your home, office, media room, or collection room. Commonly, prop replicas are combined with other custom-made or off-the-shelf costumes for cosplay or Halloween costumes, or for costumes for any other occasion. Prop replicas can be used for a lot of different things. This makes them feel even more real and helps you transport yourself into the world of your favorite media franchise! What Are the Different Types of "Propping?" How Replicas and Props Are Used Some prop replicas may even offer similar functionality to the props used in the production of the show or movie, such as lighting effects and sound.

They're usually quite a bit higher in quality compared to toys or products sold specifically for costumes at Halloween stores or similar stores, so they're built to last and are a great part of any collection. So, make sure to read all product descriptions thoroughly.ĭepending on the replica, prop replicas may be made of solid metal, high-quality resin, foam, and/or other materials. For example, if you purchase a Mandalorian, Stormtrooper, or Boba Fett prop-replica helmet from Star Wars, you'll be able to wear the helmet yourself! This is not the case with all items, however - some are meant for display only or are not full-sized. Prop replicas are recreations of a particular object used in film or television and are designed to appear just like the original item, and they often function like it in some way.